May 8, 2012

Crisis Mapping with Netlogo

This is a mapping of Ushahidi mobile phone and internet reports submitted after the Haiti Earthquake.  To create the simulation a Google earth map was imported into Netlogo with geo-tagged reports from Ushahidi.  The data is freely available from Ushahidi here:  This sort of mapping has already been done with the Haiti data but I just wanted to see if this could be done with Netlogo. In addition to the geo-locations and timing of the reports it would also be interesting to conduct a content analysis of the text contained in the reports.
This type of analysis could prove useful in identifying patterns in how crisis data are reported, ultimately helping first-responders in future disasters.  Some other potential applications for this type of analysis might include bicycle traffic flows in Washington DC's based upon the Capital Bikeshare program data, which is also provided free to researchers and can be downloaded here:  If anyone can think of any other geo-tagged data sources that might make for interesting simulations it would be great to hear about them.  I would also be interested in hearing of other analyses applied to similar data sets e.g. networks analysis, data mining, pattern recognition, etc.  It would be especially interesting to find data associated with the OpenGov movement so that researchers can help governments improve service levels associated with local, state, and federal governments.